Image of a Arris router with 'Router Reset Instructions'-text and the Arris logo

Arris routrar, guider och instruktioner

På den här sidan har vi samlat alla guider och instruktioner som du kan behöva för din Arris router.


Användarmanualer för Arris routrar

Om du är osäker på hur du gör vissa inställningar kan du kontrollera användarmanualerna för din Arris router, hitta bara din specifika router från listan nedan så hittar du även manualerna för den modellen. Vi försöker hela tiden att utöka vårt manuella bibliotek för Arris routrar för att säkerställa att du kan hitta det du behöver. Om någon specifik modell saknar manualen, kontakta oss gärna och fråga efter det.

Vilken specifik Arris modell har jag?

För att identifiera vilken Arris routermodell du har kan du kontrollera etiketten, som vanligtvis finns på baksidan av routern eller under den.
Etiketten innehåller vanligtvis "MODEL"-etiketten följt av modellnumret. Om du vill ha den riktigt specifika versionen av din router bör "P/N"-numret innehålla mer information. När du har numret anger du det nedan för att filtrera och hitta din modell.

Arris routerlista

The Arris NVG578 router has Gigabit WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.


En platshållande miniatyrbild för en saknad routerbild


The Arris TG3442 router has Gigabit WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. It has a total combined WiFi throughput of 2200 Mpbs.<br>It is also known as the <i>Arris Touchstone Cable Voice Gateway.</i>


Touchstone Cable Voice Gateway

En platshållande miniatyrbild för en saknad routerbild

Touchstone mAX

The Arris VAP4641 router has Gigabit WiFi, 1 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.


The Arris TG9442 router has Gigabit WiFi, 2 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. <br>It is also known as the <i>Arris Touchstone mAX Cable Voice Gateway.</i>


Touchstone mAX Cable Voice Gateway

The Arris VIP6102W router has Gigabit WiFi, 1 100mbps ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.


The Arris HR54-700 router has 300mbps WiFi,   ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.


En platshållande miniatyrbild för en saknad routerbild


The Arris SURFboard mAX Pro (W31) router has Gigabit WiFi, 2 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.

SURFboard mAX Pro (W31)

En platshållande miniatyrbild för en saknad routerbild

SURFboard W31

SURFboard mAX AX11000 Whole-Home Wi-Fi Router

En platshållande miniatyrbild för en saknad routerbild


En platshållande miniatyrbild för en saknad routerbild


En platshållande miniatyrbild för en saknad routerbild


En platshållande miniatyrbild för en saknad routerbild


The Arris TG3452 router has Gigabit WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. <br>It is also known as the <i>Arris Telephony Gateway.</i>


Telephony Gateway

The Arris SBG6950-AC2 router has Gigabit WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. It has a total combined WiFi throughput of 1900 Mpbs.<br>It is also known as the <i>Arris SURFboard Cable Modem and Wi-Fi Router with ARRIS Secure Home Internet by McAfee.</i>


SURFboard Cable Modem and Wi-Fi Router with ARRIS Secure Home Internet by McAfee

The Arris SB8200 router has No WiFi, 2 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. <br>It is also known as the <i>Arris SURFboard DOCSIS 3.1 Cable Modem.</i>


SURFboard DOCSIS 3.1 Cable Modem

En platshållande miniatyrbild för en saknad routerbild

AX061AEI (Xi6-A)

The Arris DG3450 router has Gigabit WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.


The Arris SBG7400-AC2 router has Gigabit WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. It has a total combined WiFi throughput of 2400 Mpbs.<br>It is also known as the <i>Arris SURFboard Cable Modem and Wi-Fi Router with ARRIS Secure Home Internet by McAfee.</i>


SURFboard Cable Modem and Wi-Fi Router with ARRIS Secure Home Internet by McAfee

En platshållande miniatyrbild för en saknad routerbild


The Arris CM8200 router has No WiFi, 2 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.


The Arris GPW2200 router has Gigabit WiFi,   ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.


The Arris BGW210-700 router has Gigabit WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.


The Arris TG3462 router has Gigabit WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. <br>It is also known as the <i>Arris Cable Voice Gateway.</i>


Cable Voice Gateway

En platshållande miniatyrbild för en saknad routerbild


Touchstone Wireless Telephony Gateway

The Arris NVG448BQ router has Gigabit WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. <br>It is also known as the <i>Arris 802.11ac Wireless DSL/FTTH Gateway for Vantage.</i>


802.11ac Wireless DSL/FTTH Gateway for Vantage

The Arris NVG448B router has Gigabit WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. <br>It is also known as the <i>Arris Wireless 802.11AC DSL Residential Gateway.</i>


Wireless 802.11AC DSL Residential Gateway

The Arris SBR-AC1900P router has Gigabit WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. It has a total combined WiFi throughput of 1900 Mpbs.<br>It is also known as the <i>Arris AC1900 SURFboard Wi-Fi Router.</i>


AC1900 SURFboard Wi-Fi Router

The Arris VAP4402 router has Gigabit WiFi, 2 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.


The Arris SBG7580-AC router has Gigabit WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. It has a total combined WiFi throughput of 1750 Mpbs.


The Arris SBR-AC3200P router has Gigabit WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. It has a total combined WiFi throughput of 3200 Mpbs.<br>It is also known as the <i>Arris SURFboard AC3200 Wi-Fi Router with RipCurrent Technology.</i>


SURFboard AC3200 Wi-Fi Router with RipCurrent Technology

The Arris SBR-AC1750 router has Gigabit WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. <br>It is also known as the <i>Arris SURFboard SBR-AC1750 Wireless Router.</i>


SURFboard SBR-AC1750 Wireless Router

The Arris SBG6900-AC router has Gigabit WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. It has a total combined WiFi throughput of 1900 Mpbs.<br>It is also known as the <i>Arris SURFboard Cable Modem &amp; Wi-Fi Router.</i>


SURFboard Cable Modem &amp; Wi-Fi Router

The Arris SBG6700-AC router has Gigabit WiFi, 2 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. It has a total combined WiFi throughput of 1600 Mpbs.<br>It is also known as the <i>Arris SURFboard DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem &amp; Wi-Fi Router.</i>


SURFboard DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem &amp; Wi-Fi Router

The Arris TG1682G router has Gigabit WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.


The Arris SBG6400 router has 300mbps WiFi, 2 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.


En platshållande miniatyrbild för en saknad routerbild


Arris NVG595 Fiber Business Gateway

En platshållande miniatyrbild för en saknad routerbild


Touchstone MG2402G/CT Media Gateway

The Arris NVG599 router has Gigabit WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. <br>It is also known as the <i>Arris ARRIS NVG599 VDSL2 Gateway.</i>


ARRIS NVG599 VDSL2 Gateway

The Arris DG860P2 router has 300mbps WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.


The Arris NVG589 router has 300mbps WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.


The Arris TG1672G router has 300mbps WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. <br>It is also known as the <i>Arris 16x4 Telephony Wireless Gateway.</i>


16x4 Telephony Wireless Gateway

The Arris WR2100 router has 300mbps WiFi, 1 100mbps ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.


The Arris CM820A router has No WiFi, 1 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. <br>It is also known as the <i>Arris Ultra-High Speed Cable Modem.</i>


Ultra-High Speed Cable Modem

The Arris DG950A router has 300mbps WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.


The Arris TG862G router has 300mbps WiFi, 4 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. <br>It is also known as the <i>Arris Touchstone Wireless Telephony Gateway.</i>


Touchstone Wireless Telephony Gateway

The Arris TM802G router has No WiFi, 1 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.


The Arris TM822G router has No WiFi, 1 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.


The Arris WBM760A router has No WiFi,   ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. <br>It is also known as the <i>Arris Touchstone Cable Modem.</i>


Touchstone Cable Modem

The Arris CM550A router has No WiFi, 1 100mbps ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.


En platshållande miniatyrbild för en saknad routerbild


En platshållande miniatyrbild för en saknad routerbild


The Arris TM1602A router has No WiFi, 1 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. <br>It is also known as the <i>Arris Touchstone DOCSIS 3.0 Upgradeable 16x4 Telephony Modem.</i>


Touchstone DOCSIS 3.0 Upgradeable 16x4 Telephony Modem

The Arris SB6190 router has No WiFi, 1 N/A ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.


The Arris Touchstone TG3462 router has Gigabit WiFi, 4 Gigabit ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. <br>It is also known as the <i>Arris Cable Voice Gateway.</i>

Touchstone TG3462

Cable Voice Gateway

The Arris SURFboard SB8200 router has No WiFi, 2 Gigabit ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.

SURFboard SB8200