How to Make IE11 you Default Browser on Windows?
Posted Sept. 9, 2018, 1:20 p.m. by Marcos González R.Since the first iteration of Windows was released in 1995 as a complement to Windows 95 in an update known as “Microsoft Plus!”, it’s been one of the browsers with most prominence on the internet. Its Golden Age was in 1999-2003 when it had about 95% dominance on the Internet.
Since then, its use has been slowly decreasing, as other browsers such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox have taken the lead on the market.
There is still a minority that still adheres to this browser and keeps using it, even when some people consider it to be a thing of the past.
And why not have it as the to-go option on the Internet? It keeps improving, it’s easy to use, and suits your very needs and requirements.
If you’re part of this group or want to be, this article is for you. Why? Because here you will learn how to set Internet Explorer as your main and default browser.Â
Setting IE as your main browser
This a really simple process that takes no time. You can do it in less than five minutes! To configure IE as your primary option, follow the next steps:
First, launch Internet Explorer.
- Then, press ALT+X or go to the Tools option on the right side of the top screen. A window called Internet Options will open.
Go to the tab Advanced.
You will see the option Make Internet Explorer the default browser. Click on it, then press OK.
And just like that, IE is your new default browser. There’s nothing more to it. With this in mind, you’re done! Next, you probably want to go ahead and change your default start page to something of your choosing.
As you can see, setting up IE11 as your Browser by default is a simple task that takes no time or effort. Although there is a lot of competitors out there, IE will always be a reliable option.
It’s firmly cemented as one of the best browsers since the dawn of the global internet in the 90s. Therefore, you can be sure that you have a capable tool in your hands to surf the web. Thanks for reading!