Security articles

VPN Review: HideMyAss
Published: June 10, 2018, noon in Broadband Connection, Virtual Private Network (VPN), Security, Reviews by JonathanIn this day and age, having a reliable VPN client is a must. With the FCC’s recent decision to repeal net neutrality, this is likely to become even more critical. A lot of VPN companies promise to secure your data and provide a safe browsing experience, but that’s not always …
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What's a VPN and the Top 10 Reasons You Need One
Published: June 4, 2018, 6 p.m. in Virtual Private Network (VPN), Security, Privacy by Serina RajagukgukThe big bad internet has become less and less private. From the Facebook scandal of the century to the US Senate vote that allows ISPs to sell your browsing history; you're right to feel that you have less to none protection on the internet. (Sidenote question: did the inventors of the internet …
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How to Hide Your Public IP Address
Published: May 27, 2018, 12:57 p.m. in How-to, Broadband Connection, Virtual Private Network (VPN), IP address, Security by Serina RajagukgukIf you're reading this, it's 100% guaranteed that you have an IP address. How can I be so sure? Well, because without one, you won't be able to surf the internet at all. Once you connect to the internet, your ISP (Internet Service Provider) assigns a special ID to you. …
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